
Coffee Break

Insights, stories, and thoughts that you can enjoy in under five minutes.

Navigating the Waves of Disruption
Eleni Press Eleni Press

Navigating the Waves of Disruption

Disruptions are unavoidable. Sometimes, they may seem more frequent than we would like. If leaders work to make organizations increasingly adaptable before a crisis actually occurs, they will be better prepared.

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Celebrating the Year of the Tiger
Robin Kasner Robin Kasner

Celebrating the Year of the Tiger

As a second generation Chinese American, I grew up in the Chicago suburbs without many peers or friends who looked like me. As a kid and even a teenager, I just wanted to fit in and be accepted; I remember being self conscious about friends seeing the different foods my family ate (jook, pig’s feet, whole fish), what leftovers I might bring to school lunches, or hear the Chinese radio my grandparents always had on.

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Take Your Temperature: Measuring Your Capacity for Disruption
Jessica Ivetich Jessica Ivetich

Take Your Temperature: Measuring Your Capacity for Disruption

While certain elements of change are predictable, so many more are out of our control. And while leaders can’t accurately predict one hundred percent of what’s to come, they can measure their organizations’ capacity for disruption and prepare their teams to navigate change the best that they can.

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18 Coffees Holiday Gift Guide
Jessica Ivetich Jessica Ivetich

18 Coffees Holiday Gift Guide

Introducing the 18 Coffees Holiday Gift Guide! Each unique recommendation was curated by 18 Coffees Community Partners and comes from companies that are women-owned, LGBTQIA-owned, BIPOC-owned, or encourage sustainability.

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Finding Your “Cookie Monster” Moment
Aimee Skornik Aimee Skornik

Finding Your “Cookie Monster” Moment

When working with clients in change management bootcamps and training sessions, 18 Coffees walks through navigating the change lifecycle to help teams find their “Cookie Monster moment.”

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Finding Your Change Champions
Jessica Ivetich Jessica Ivetich

Finding Your Change Champions

As your organization grapples with change, it’s crucial to recruit change champions across levels and departments to serve as point people for actualizing the organization’s new blueprint.

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