Changemaker's Toolkit: Getting Started


Purchase the Changemaker’s Toolkit: Getting Started, a change management and leadership starter pack with hands-on exercises, worksheets, and facilitation guides to successfully help your team or organization kick off a change initiative.

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Purchase the Changemaker’s Toolkit: Getting Started, a change management and leadership starter pack with hands-on exercises, worksheets, and facilitation guides to successfully help your team or organization kick off a change initiative.

Purchase the Changemaker’s Toolkit: Getting Started, a change management and leadership starter pack with hands-on exercises, worksheets, and facilitation guides to successfully help your team or organization kick off a change initiative.

We’re experts in the business of change. Throughout our client work with social impact organizations, Fortune 100 enterprises, and executive leaders, we’ve fine-tuned our change management approach to empower teams to lead through disruption. Now, we’ve put together a package of tools that was created after 1,000+ hours of work by ex-Bain & Company consultants, White House digital strategists, and global communications firm leaders to help you lead your organization through change and improve your organization’s efficiency.

This toolkit will help you:

Increase efficiency during the planning process

Generate buy-in from stakeholders at all levels

Secure sponsorship from executive leadership

Strengthen internal communication channels

Mitigate resistance to change

Help employees see change as an opportunity for growth

We’ve channeled years of expertise into the must-have worksheets and hands-on facilitation exercises ready to print and use. Each copy of the toolkit contains:

  • 2 Frameworks

  • 11 Exercise Guides

  • 5 Templates and hands-on exercises

  • 4 Worksheets

  • 11 FAQs

  • and real-life examples to showcase practical adaptation to common change initiatives

The Changemaker’s Toolkit: Getting Started focuses on three key modules designed to set you up for success within your organization:

  • Leadership & Ownership

  • Communication & Clarity

  • Prioritization & Process Management


“We love their approach to change management, it got our people excited about the future.”

— Amy Dinofrio, Vice President of People Strategies, Talent, & Board Engagement at United Way Worldwide