Coffee Break
Insights, stories, and thoughts that you can enjoy in under five minutes.

Leading Through Change: Change fatigue is real—here's how to lead through it
Change fatigue can derail organizational progress, but intentional leadership can prevent burnout and disengagement. Explore five practical steps to help your team navigate continuous transformation.

Pocket Change: Media, Metacognition, and Management
December’s notes on disruption from 18 Coffees co-founder Caleb Gardner exploring how current events are impacting business.

Five Purpose-Driven Takeaways from Social Innovation Summit 2023
As a community-driven organization, 18 Coffees never passes up the chance to connect with fellow changemakers, and there is no better place to do so than Landmark Ventures’ annual Social Innovation Summit. Here are our top takeaways from #SIS23.

Why Organizations Need Change Management
By embracing change management, organizations can achieve their goals and objectives, while creating a positive work environment for their employees.

Pocket Change: When inclusion is inconvenient
March’s notes on disruption from 18 Coffees co-founder Caleb Gardner exploring the inequities of layoffs within DEI.

Generating Buy-in for Your Change Initiative
18 Coffees sees change management as a must-have skill for today’s leaders. Here’s how to generate key stakeholder buy-in for your change initiative.

Pocket Change: The infrastructure problem
November’s notes on disruption from 18 Coffees co-founder Caleb Gardner digging into the fragility of social infrastructure.

Pocket Change: When disruption gets personal
October’s notes on disruption from 18 Coffees co-founder Caleb Gardner exploring personal change and disruption.

Why You Actually Want (Some) Resistors on Your Change Team
Colleagues that are resistant to change might initially sound like a headache — in reality, these resistors can be some of your best assets.

Beyond decision fatigue: Getting started leading change
Leaders often know what needs to change, but don’t have the resources or experience to know how to get change off the ground. They are often scrappy and willing to put in the work—they just need a roadmap.

How to Use a RACI Grid to Your Advantage
A RACI grid, pronounced “racy” and also referred to as a RACI chart or matrix, can be a valuable project management tool when you’re in the early stages of your change initiative. Here’s how to use one.

Implementing Inclusive Language in the Workplace
Intentionally updating vocabulary to reflect your organization’s values can improve corporate culture, hiring practices, and comfort level amongst employees. Here’s what you can do to implement inclusive language in your organization.

Why I wrote “No Point B” (and how I did it)
There is no end point to disruption. We need to reframe transformation as a constant process and start building our adaptive capabilities now for whatever comes next — and that’s what I’ve tried to capture in “No Point B.”

A Team Charter Can Be a Key to Team Success
This team charter tool helps center your organization’s values, goals, expectations, and obstacles as you envision your desired end state and what it will take to get there.

The Six Ps: How to respond to a social crisis with care and commitment
Our personal lives and our work lives have always intersected. Now, the walls are coming down, and leaders need to be prepared to react to social pressure, navigate the new realities of a socially-aware employee base, and embrace the new responsibility of pastoral care over their workforce.

Four Things to Consider When Designing Your Change Team
At 18 Coffees, we refer to the leaders of change initiatives as Change Champions, members of an effective change team that exist at every layer of the organization. Here’s what to consider when designing a change team of your own.

Why Identifying Risks Can Help Change Be Successful
Anticipating what might happen is not easy, but a solid risk assessment helps troubleshoot before problems arise to ensure a successful change initiative.

Navigating the Waves of Disruption
Disruptions are unavoidable. Sometimes, they may seem more frequent than we would like. If leaders work to make organizations increasingly adaptable before a crisis actually occurs, they will be better prepared.