Three Things We Learned at LinkedIn's Creator Day

18 Coffees team members Caleb Gardner and Jessica Ivetich recently attended Creator Day at LinkedIn Chicago — the platform’s first-of-its-kind event that took creators behind the scenes, grew connections within the creator community, and provided an exclusive insight into what’s next. Here’s what they learned:

Some features can be fun

LinkedIn might have started off as the most buttoned-up social media platform, but the platform is actively trying to rewrite what we define as “professional.” While that shift in user perspective won’t happen overnight, LinkedIn has launched new features that allow users to showcase their entire selves, not just the corporate side. Functionality like Creator Mode offers enhanced profile customization, including the ability to upload a profile video that shows off more personality and profile hashtags that display the topics you post about most. LinkedIn Live, LinkedIn Newsletter, and carousel post features (pending launch in Q4 2022) let creators experiment with the format that works best for them and their audiences.

Newsletter prioritization

One of the best parts of Creator Day was getting an inside scoop, especially regarding the platform’s algorithm. While the LinkedIn team didn’t share too many secrets, they were quite clear about the prioritization of LinkedIn Newsletters. LinkedIn emphasized this functionality as its preferred content type that goes directly into newsletter followers’ inboxes. Plus, new analytics will soon be available to help creators gauge newsletter performance and refine accordingly. Similar to how other platforms prioritize the functionality du jour to ensure engagement benefits for those that use it, 18 Coffees’ first-hand experience with newsletters has shown a significantly higher growth rate over our standard email subscription rate. P.s. If you haven’t already, subscribe to co-founder Caleb Gardner’s LinkedIn newsletter, “Leading Through Change.”

Big things are still to come

One more thing LinkedIn shared with us: Stay tuned in the next few weeks for another big announcement. Yes, “big announcement” was really all they said — the team was incredibly tight-lipped about what it might entail, but more short-form content options and deeper analytics would be ideal given the recent Twitter upheaval as more users shift gears to LinkedIn. Whatever the announcement may be, LinkedIn made it clear that consistent creators who take advantage of the latest tools, products, and resources will be rewarded for their efforts. Make sure to follow LinkedIn for Creators to stay on top of the latest trends and join the 18 Coffees Community Partner LinkedIn Group for more conversation and connections. See you on LinkedIn!

Jessica Ivetich

Content + Community Director at 18 Coffees

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