Event Details
We are kicking off a partnership with Vote.org this year with an opportunity to support them with their biggest priority for the year -- Vote by Mail.
With COVID's impact, voter turnout is at risk with changing state-by-state primary dates and new barriers to safe and fair elections -- look at Wisconsin and Georgia. We have an opportunity to help keep voters engaged in the democratic process and prevent misinformation from dissuading them from participating in the 2020 election.
Join us as we take part in creating change in partnership with the nation's largest civic organizations. For any questions, contact us at votedotorg@18coffees.com.
About Vote.org
Vote.org is the largest 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan voting registration and get out the vote (GOTV) technology platform in America. It has registered more than 3.3 million new voters, verified 8.2 million voters’ registration status, and has helped over 30 million website users by providing registration links and deadlines, polling location details, and other essential voting information for each state. Vote.org also leverages its SMS-based GOTV program each year, targeting low-propensity voters in regularly scheduled and special elections.