Change Management

What is Change Management?

Change management is traditionally a linear process that guides how we adopt behaviors and tools that drive organizational success. We see things differently.

At 18 Coffees, we believe change management is anything but linear. Instead, we see it as a recursive practice of continually anticipating disruption, responding to emerging data, and adapting to find new areas of value.

Organizations don’t change. People do. Our team uses a people-centered approach to navigating the disruptions that can derail your team’s progress, efficiency, or success. This disruption can be mergers and acquisitions, business growth, new departments, staff turnover, priority initiatives, campaign launches, and beyond. Change management helps your organization clearly, intentionally, and successfully identify and guide teams through disruption — the best change management initiatives take complex problems and provide clear next steps for productive transformation.

Two 18 Coffees team members with dark hair talk to each other at a table in a bright room. Both women smile, and there are laptops and notebooks scattered across the table.

We take a people-centered approach to change management.

Our change management process is designed to surface opportunity areas and potential pitfalls, based on our experience creating true behavior change. In our work, we align organizations around four major areas of work:

  • Leadership and Ownership

  • Clarity & Vision Casting

  • Prioritization & Process Management

  • Communication & Feedback

18 Coffees co-founder Caleb Gardner smiles at President Barack Obama somewhere in The White House. They both wear suits.

We put our digital organizing experience to work.

Our differentiated approach to change management is informed by our experience running digital organizing for President Obama.

We have a proprietary approach to empowering employees as part of the change management process, scaling efforts, and using digital touch points and data analytics to ensure success.

Change never stops.
Neither do we.

Change Management Capabilities


Leadership Turnover


Leadership changes are often unexpected, but that doesn’t mean your team can’t be prepared. We help organizations prepare for a leadership change by building the resilience to adapt quickly—and help to manage the disruption after the turnover happens. Through hands-on exercises and customized toolsets, we build core empathy, communications, and leadership skillsets that curb negative impact on your team.


Tech Implementation


We know new technology is inescapable, but that doesn’t mean your team is ready for immediate adoption. 18 Coffees helps organizations prepare for new systems by working directly with teams to understand how the technology works, what value it will produce for the organization and how to operationalize it.


Organizational Restructuring


Mergers. Acquisitions. Scaling back. Adding new teams. No matter the cause, organizational restructuring brings uncertainty and stress. Focusing on clarity, communication, process, and ownership, our team helps leaders create a strategy that maximizes value creation and minimizes disruption. We guide teams through these moments of disruption by ensuring everyone is on the same page.


Implementing a new DEI, ESG, or other policy


Since our founding, 18 Coffees has invested in building a mission-driven economy. We believe in a world where organizations go beyond avoiding harm and actively do good. By combining our political organizing and change management experience, we assist changemakers in generating buy-in for socially-focused policy shifts that affect the entire organization. 


Custom Solutions


Looking for something else? We thrive on innovative collaboration and love working directly with organizations to customize client engagements according to your company’s culture and goals. Additional change management work could include:

  • Future of Work

  • Vision Casting

  • Navigating Change

  • Leadership Development

Change Management Case Studies


“The 18 Coffees team seamlessly integrated into our teams, understanding that the key to helping us innovate was speaking our language and understanding our culture. We love their approach to change management — it got our people excited about the future.”

— Amy Dinofrio, Vice President of People Strategies, Talent & Board Engagement at United Way Worldwide

How can we help?