Celebrating “Humans of Public Service”

Project Overview: Humans of Public Service is a media platform designed to highlight the stories of government workers. Fueled by founder and 18 Coffees Community Partner Brian Whittaker’s passion for and belief in government, Humans of Public Service aims to rebuild citizens’ trust of government through engaging, relatable, humanizing content that features government officials across levels and branches.

With their professional expertise in social media and brand strategy, 18 Coffees Community Partners supported their fellow member through two virtual ideation sessions. Each sessions helped Brian focus brand strategy, brainstorm partnership opportunities, and prepare for project launch in May 2022.

Team Lead: Jessica Ivetich

Team Members: Andy Sternberg, Brian Whittaker, Bryan Campen, Caleb Gardner, Eleni Press, Hafsa Hameed, Jessica Castro, John Morrison, Kelly Wrather, Lexi Schilf, Morgan Anderson, Robin Chung, Seth Gray

Applicable Skill Sets:  Social media management, brand strategy, campaign development, writing, photography, storytelling, community building


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